Adventure Cycling Magazine recently announced their “Geared Up – Spring is in Sight” and recommended RideOut Tech’s Challenger Mountain Bike Saddle! To fully understand what an honor it is to be selected by this group, it is important to understand that this organization, a 501c3, was founded in 1973. It has one goal, “Adventure Cycling inspires and empowers people to travel by bicycle.” They are a member supported organization and are not influenced by advertisers. Their review is swayed only by the question, “do our members need to know about this product?”
Well, apparently so.
Alex, the editor that reviewed the Challenger, is young, thin, fit and an aggressive rider who typically rides a seat with basically no padding. His words follow.
“The Challenger is undeniably cushy — a little too much foam for my liking on rough trails, but quite comfortable on uneven but spin-able surfaces. And while I can get by with something a bit narrower, the wider shape still tapered enough not to interfere with my pedal stroke…”
Again, I want to clarify that we seek to make the most people comfortable as we can. Personally, I want that padding. Remember that most people don’t ride bikes because of seat discomfort. So if you feel that your seat is unforgiving, or just too hard, or you get too much pounding on the bumps, this may the best choice for you.
Read the full article on Adventure Cycling’s website here…
Learn more about the Challenger comfortable mountain bike seat here.